Compass Lexecon is 2023 WWL Competition Economics Firm of the Year

Compass Lexecon has been named Competition Economics Firm of the Year by Who’s Who Legal (“WWL”). The firm has won the award every year since its inception in 2015. This award is based on several factors, including feedback received in WWL’s independent annual market survey, past performance in the research, and the overall aggregate number of weighted votes cast by practitioners around the world.
Who’s Who Legal also published their Competition 2023 guide, which identifies individual experts that are considered to be the best consultants, expert witnesses and advisers in the world, and are highlighted for their expert knowledge and testimony in competition matters. Compass Lexecon has the most economists recognized in this year’s analysis.
According to Who’s Who Legal, Global Elite Thought Leaders are individuals that have received the highest number of nominations from peers, corporate counsel and other market sources. They are considered ‘the best of the best’.
Seven Compass Lexecon experts are recognized as Global Elite Thought Leaders:
- Dennis Carlton, Senior Managing Director – Washington, DC & Chicago
- Neil Dryden, Executive Vice President - London
- Kirsten Edwards-Warren, Executive Vice President - London
- Mark Israel, Senior Managing Director – Washington, DC
- Thilo Klein, Executive Vice President - London
- Jorge Padilla, Senior Managing Director - Madrid
- Daniel Rubinfeld, Senior Consultant – Oakland
The full list of Compass Lexecon professionals recognized in the Who’s Who Legal Competition 2023 - Thought Leaders list is as follows:
- Jonathan Baker, Senior Consultant – Washington, DC
- Mary T Coleman, Executive Vice President – Boston
- Justin Coombs, Executive Vice President – London
- Lorenzo Coppi, Executive Vice President – London
- Richard J Gilbert, Senior Consultant – Oakland
- Michael Katz, Senior Consultant – Washington, DC
- Bryan Keating, Executive Vice President – Washington, DC
- Benjamin Klein, Senior Consultant – Los Angeles
- Jonathan M Orszag, Senior Managing Director – Washington, DC
- Roy Rosenberg, Senior Vice President – Tel Aviv
- Pekka Sääskilahti, Senior Vice President – Helsinki
- David Sevy, Executive Vice President – Paris
- Loren Smith, Executive Vice President – Washington, DC
- Pablo T Spiller, Senior Consultant – New York
- Nadine Watson, Senior Vice President – Madrid
- Elena Zoido, Executive Vice President – Madrid
The full list of Compass Lexecon professionals recognized in the Who’s Who Legal Competition 2023 – Recommended Leaders list is as follows:
- Enrique Andreu, Executive Vice President – Brussels & Madrid
- Jonathan Arnold, Senior Consultant - Chicago
- Gustavo (Chip) E. Bamberger, Executive Vice President - Chicago
- Gabriel Baron, Senior Consultant – Tel Aviv
- Mats Bergman, Academic Affiliate – Stockholm
- Duncan Cameron, Executive Vice President – Los Angeles
- Georg Clemens, Senior Economist - Düsseldorf
- Fernando Coloma Rios, Senior Vice President - Santiago
- Lona Fowdur, Executive Vice President – Washington, DC
- Urs Haegler, Senior Vice President – London
- Joseph P. Kalt, Senior Managing Director - Boston
- Andres Lerner, Executive Vice President – Los Angeles
- Valérie Meunier, Senior Vice President – Brussels & Paris
- Christopher Milde, Senior Vice President – Berlin
- Boaz Moselle, Executive Vice President - London
- Damien Neven, Senior Consultant – Brussels
- Carlos Noton, Vice President - Santiago
- Daniel P O’Brien, Senior Consultant – Washington, DC
- Frédéric Palomino, Senior Vice President – Paris
- Andy Parkinson, Senior Vice President – London
- Matthias Pflanz, Senior Consultant – London
- Michele Polo, Academic Affiliate – Milan
- Alejandro Requejo, Executive Vice President – Madrid
- Paul Reynolds, Senior Vice President – London
- Rameet Sangha, Senior Vice President – London
- Marius Schwartz, Senior Consultant – Washington, DC
- Georges Siotis, Affiliate Consultant – Madrid
- Ian Small, Senior Vice Present – London
- Theresa A Sullivan, Executive Vice President – Washington, DC
- Otto Toivanen, Senior Consultant – Helsinki
- Elizabeth Xiao-Ru Wang, Executive Vice President – Boston & Beijing
- David A Weiskopf, Executive Vice President – Washington, DC
- Vanessa Yanhua Zhang, Executive Vice President – New York & Beijing
The full list of Compass Lexecon professionals recognized in the Who’s Who Legal Competition 2023 – Future Leaders list is as follows:
- Dennis Beling, Senior Vice President – Brussels & Singapore
- Martina Caldana, Vice President - Milan
- Catalina Campillo, Vice President - Brussels
- Roman Fischer, Vice President - Brussels
- Sergey Khodjamirian, Vice President - Copenhagen
- Patricia Lorenzo, Senior Vice President - Madrid
- Lau Nilausen, Senior Vice President - London
- Soledad Pereiras, Vice President - Madrid
- Laura Phaff, Vice President - London
- Orjan Sandewall, Vice President - London
- Bernardo Sarmento, Vice President - Madrid
- Andrew Swan, Senior Vice President - London
- Lotta Väänänen, Vice President - Helsinki
- Jun Kai Wee, Senior Economist - Singapore