Experts in Arbitration: Compass Lexecon is #1 in GAR 100 Expert Witness Firms’ Power Index

We are pleased to announce that Compass Lexecon has been recognized as the top expert witness firm by Global Arbitration Review (GAR) in the GAR 100 Expert Witness Firms’ Power Index for the third time. The results of the GAR Power Index were revealed at the 12th Annual GAR Awards Ceremony, which took place in Paris on March 31, 2022.
GAR’s Power Index examines information gathered from international arbitration hearings to quantify the activity of expert firms over a two-year period. Using data reported by GAR 100 law firms, the model assesses the average and median size of claims handled by expert firms, and weighs the number of appearances at hearings, the number of experts featured in GAR’s Who’s Who Legal Expert Witness list and those voted as Thought Leaders in industry surveys.
GAR reports that “Compass Lexecon is the new number one, following two years just below (it was second in 2021 and third in 2020)…” Compass Lexecon also topped reputational metrics this year, “with 19 WWL listings, of whom more than one-third are Who’s Who Thought Leaders…The firm is therefore in the top five for all four metrics – volume, average value, and both WWL rankings – and the very top for Global Elite Thought Leaders…It is, in short, a worthy number one.”
Compass Lexecon’s seven Global Elite Thought Leaders span North America, Europe, and Latin America and include Dr. Manuel A. Abdala, Carla Chavich, Pablo Lopez Zadicoff, Miguel Nakhle, and Professor Pablo T. Spiller in North America, Boaz Moselle in Europe, and Sebastian Zuccon in Latin America.
Compass Lexecon’s International Arbitration practice leverages extensive experience in all areas of international arbitration, utilizing economists and financial experts to deliver independent economic analysis, valuation opinions, damages assessments, regulatory opinions, expert reports, and arbitration testimony.