The Tennis Channel, Inc. v. Comcast Cable Communications, LLC

Compass Lexecon expert Jon Orszag testified on behalf of Comcast in a television carriage dispute between Comcast and Tennis Channel before Federal Communications Commission Administrative Law Judge Richard Sippel. The case was appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia where the Court ruled in favor of Comcast and found that Tennis Channel had failed to prove that Comcast had discriminated against it by carrying the channel on a sports tier. The U.S. Court of Appeals decision incorporated many of the core economic arguments presented in Orszag’s testimony. Orszag was supported by a Compass Lexecon team led by Jay Ezrielev. Orszag and Compass Lexecon worked closely with lawyers from Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP, including David Toscano, Michael Carroll, and Michael Scheinkman.