Competition law enforcement in the 21st century: Are the rules and institutions fit for purpose?

The Hotel Brussels, 25 March | Register to attend
Jorge Padilla joins a panel on competition in digital markets, focussing on key issues at stake including market leveraging, self-preferencing, conflicts of interest and exploitative conduct at this full-day event organized by TILEC, with the support of Geradin Partners.
Speakers at the conference include Pierre Régibeau (European Commission), Andrea Appella (Netflix), Dr. Anne-Claire Hoyng (, Horacio Gutierrez (Spotify), Martin d’Halluin (News Corp), Prof. Jacques Crémer (Toulouse School of Economics), Robert O’Donoghue QC (Brick Court Chambers), Dr. Thomas Kramler (European Commission), Vanessa Turner (BEUC), Andrea Gomes da Silva (CMA), Prof. Ioannis Lianos (Hellenic Competition Authority), Prof. Konrad Ost (Bundeskartellamt), Giorgio Monti (Tilburg Law School), and Pablo Ibáñez Colomo (London School of Economics).
Other topics of focus include:
- Retrospective on the enforcement of past investigations in the digital sector, such as the Microsoft, Google and Facebook cases, and what we have learned;
- How shall we make competition rules and institutions future proof?;
- Do we need an expanded competition toolbox?; and
- From reports to action: Are competition authorities up to the challenge?