Competition Law Nordic 2020

28-29 January 2020, Sheraton Stockholm | Register to attend
Professor Mats Bergman, Academic Affiliate at Compass Lexecon in Stockholm will speak in an exclusive session on the economics of competition in digital markets, including competition between digital platforms, data and market power, and regulation of the digital economy.
Other topics explored at the conference include private enforcement and follow-on damages, industrial policy vis-à-vis consumer welfare, and joint bidding, horizontal cooperation and information exchange. Speakers include Anna Vernet (DG Competition, European Commission), Rikard Jermsten (Swedish Competition Authority), Jakob Hald (Danish Competition and Consumer Authority), Sanna Syrjälä (Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority), Páll Gunnar Pálsson (Icelandic Competition Authority), Jacob Westin (Takeda Pharmaceuticals), Tero Louko (Google), Christian Nielsen (Arla Foods), Andreas Blomquist (Nasdaq), and Camilla Robstad (Orkla). View the agenda
Register using code FKW82963CLX for 30% off the full ticket price.