International Mergers Conference 2020

19 February 2020, University College London | Register to attend
Expert Economists Thilo Klein and Damien Neven will join the following panels at the inaugural International Mergers Conference, hosted by Concurrences and University College London.
Digital Mergers: Need for Reform? (11:30 – 13:00)
Luisa Affuso | Chief Economist, Ofcom
Thilo Klein | Executive Vice President, Compass Lexecon
Claire Jeffs | Partner, Slaughter & May
Pierre Regibeau | Chief Economist, DG COMP
Nate Miller | Saleh Romeih Associate Professor, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University
Moderator: Amelia Fletcher | Professor, University of East Anglia
Merger Control and ‘Non-Competition Concerns’: Industrial Policy, Geopolitics, Sustainability, Privacy (14:00 – 15:30)
Hanna Anttilainen | Head of Unit B4: Energy and Environment (mergers), DG COMP
Etienne Chantrel | Head of Mergers Unit, Autorité de la concurrence
Damien Neven | Senior Consultant, Compass Lexecon & Professor of Economics, The Graduate Institute
Bill Kovacic | Professor, George Washington University - Non-executive Director, CMA
Nicholas Levy | Partner, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton
Moderator: Ioannis Kokkoris | Professor, Queen Mary University
Other speakers include Sir John Vickers (All Souls College, Oxford), Frédéric Jenny (OECD Competition Committee), Eugène Buttigieg (General Court of the EU), Peter Freeman CBE QC (Hon) (Competition Appeal Tribunal), Colin Raftery (Competition and Markets Authority), Manish Das (Lloyds Banking Group), Jacques Moscianese (Intesa Sanpaolo), and Frank Qi (Qualcomm).