2009 Submissions Now Being Accepted for Compass Lexecon Prizes

The 2009 Compass Lexecon Prizes
The Compass Lexecon Prizes are awarded annually to economists whose papers make the most significant contributions to the understanding and implementation of competition policy.
- BEST PAPER IN AN ACADEMIC JOURNAL -- $10,000. The first Compass Lexecon Prize in the amount of $10,000 will be awarded to a paper in economics published or forthcoming in a peer-reviewed journal in 2008.
- BEST PAPER BY A PH.D. CANDIDATE -- $5,000. The second Compass Lexecon Prize in the amount of $5,000 will be awarded to a paper in economics written by a Ph.D. candidate.
While potential selections will be sought out, submissions for the Compass Lexecon Prizes are expected and welcome, in particular for working papers accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. For the Ph.D. Prize, submissions must be accompanied by a brief note of nomination by the Ph.D. candidate’s advisor. Submissions can be made by sending the paper to prize@compasslexecon.com or
Compass Lexecon Prize
One Front Street, 15th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111
Submissions are due by February 27, 2009. The Compass Lexecon Prizes will be announced in Summer 2009 to a broad audience of professional economists and antitrust practitioners.
Compass Lexecon Prizes Selection Committee
- Jonathan B. Baker, American University and CRA International
- Dennis W. Carlton, University of Chicago and Compass Lexecon
- Kenneth G. Elzinga, University of Virginia
- Richard J. Gilbert, University of California at Berkeley and Compass Lexecon
- Joseph P. Kalt, Harvard University and Compass Lexecon
- Michael L. Katz, New York University and Compass Lexecon
- Janusz A. Ordover, New York University and Compass Lexecon
- Robert H. Porter, Northwestern University
- Daniel L. Rubinfeld, University of California at Berkeley and Compass Lexecon
- Greg Shaffer, University of Rochester
- Joseph E. Stiglitz, Columbia University
- Robert D. Willig, Princeton University and Compass Lexecon