Celebrating Compass Lexecon Women

Compass Lexecon is proud to announce that amongst the 30 senior promotions within Compass Lexecon in 2020, 14 (47%) of these are women. The number of senior women professionals at Compass Lexecon has increased by 21% over the last 5 years, showing a positive movement towards gender parity at all levels within our business.
International Women’s Day on 8 March marked an opportunity this week to celebrate the many exceptional women at Compass Lexecon and highlight their achievements, including numerous awards and accolades, pioneering research, and active engagement in topical public debate.
Compass Lexecon women demonstrate leadership, enterprise and skill that we are all proud of as a firm. We are delighted to profile those of our leading women that have received senior promotions in 2020. We congratulate them on their outstanding achievements!
Senior Promotions - EMEA
Ruxandra Ciupagea - Promoted to
Senior Vice President (Madrid)
Ruxandra has over 10 years of
experience in economic consulting and has provided expert evidence in
litigation and international arbitration matters focused on pricing, valuation
and damages assessments in energy and infrastructure markets. Ruxandra was
recognized in the Who’s Who Legal Energy 2019 publication for her
extensive experience in fields of natural gas and LNG, electric power, and
renewable energy. In 2019, Ruxandra co-authored a chapter on the “Principles of
damages” in The Investment Treaty Arbitration Review (jointly with Boaz
Moselle). She is also teaching at the Brussels School of Competition and Queen
Mary University of London.
Patricia Lorenzo - Promoted to Senior
Vice President (Madrid)
Patricia has 19 years of experience
in applying economic analysis and econometric techniques to competition policy
and damages valuation cases. She was listed as a Future Leader in Competition
in 2019 by Who’s Who Legal and was also included in the 2019 W@Competition
‘40 in their 40s’ notable competition professionals. She has particular
expertise in media broadcasting and intellectual property and has recently
provided economic valuation of audiovisual rights and designed fair and efficient
tariffs for the remuneration of intellectual property rights. Patricia has also
presented on the assessment of market power at recent industry conferences in
Valérie Meunier - Promoted to Senior
Vice President (Brussels)
Valérie has over 12 years of
experience advising clients in mergers, antitrust and damages litigation cases
across a variety of jurisdictions. Her recent merger cases include
Thales/Gemalto, Discovery/Scripps, Safran/Zodiac Aerospace, H3G/Wind Italy.
Valérie was included in the 2019 W@Competition ‘40 in their 40s’ notable
competition professionals. She has taken part in several competition policy
debates, including the review of the competition rules applicable to vertical
agreements, and spoken extensively at industry events, including on excessive
prices and the Google Shopping Decision. She has also co-authored several
articles published in academic journals including The RAND Journal of
Economics. Valérie has spoken at many industry events on topics including
excessive pricing and the Google shopping decision.
Catalina Campillo - Promoted to Vice
President (Brussels)
Catalina’s work focuses on the
application of economic analysis and econometric techniques to competition
policy cases and damages litigation issues. She has experience in the
assessment of the competitive effects of mergers, as well as Article 101 and
Article 102 TFUE cases. Catalina has provided expert reports in the context of
damages litigation, and has given expert testimony before the Spanish courts in
the context of the Trucks proceedings. Catalina has also worked as an Associate
Lecturer at Instituto de Empresa Business School and Instituto de Estudios
Alina Goad - Promoted to Vice
President (London)
Alina has over 15 years’ experience
in applying competition economics to cases in both the private and public
sectors. Prior to joining Compass Lexecon, Alina headed up the Civil Aviation
Authority’s Competition Policy team. Here she led the market power assessments
at Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted and the initial preparation for the widening
of the CAA’s competition powers. She was accountable for the delivery of all
CAA competition related matters including policy, advice and investigations.
Alina has also held roles at Ofcom, the OFT, the CC and LECG. She has extensive
experience of merger cases both as a regulator and in advising merging parties.
Alina also has experience on both sides of Competition Act cases and market
investigations and has particular expertise in the application of competition
policy to regulated industries.
Kadambari Prasad - Promoted to Vice
President (London)
Kadu has eight years of experience
advising in merger control, Article 101 and Article 102 and arbitration cases.
She has particular expertise in theoretical modelling and formalizing economic
concepts. She has developed theoretical models for leading investigations, including
the European Commission’s Pay TV investigation, the European Commission’s
Article 102 investigation into Qualcomm, and the European Commission’s Article
101 investigation of the market for credit default swaps. Kadu also has
significant expertise in valuation of intellectual property, in particular the
valuation of standard-essential patents under terms that are fair, reasonable
and non-discriminatory. Kadu presented at the Competition Commission of India
(CCI) 4th National Conference on Economics of Competition Law in New Delhi on
“Antitrust issues in Europe: Developments in Abuse of Dominance – conditional
Lotta Väänänen - Promoted to Vice
President (Helsinki)
Lotta’s work focuses on the economic
analysis of questions in competition policy, pricing, and IPR. With a research
background in empirical industrial organization and economics of innovation,
her professional experience has centred on the use of data, econometrics, and
experiments together with rigorous economic analysis to study complex questions
in business and in competition cases alike. At Compass Lexecon, she has played
an important role in the development of the Helsinki office and has worked on
Finnish cases involving the economic assessment of mergers as well as of
pricing practices in various industries. Prior to joining Compass Lexecon, she
worked at Sanoma and Nokia Corporations. She has a Ph.D. in Economics from the
Aalto School of Economics and her research has been published in the Review of
Economics and Statistics, among other journals. Lotta joined a panel at the
latest W@Competition Nordic event in Stockholm on: “Vertical agreements – the
effects of digitalization on vertical restraints”.
Senior Promotions - U.S.
Erica Benton - Promoted to Executive
Vice President (Chicago)
Erica Benton has over 10 years of
economic consulting experience. She specializes in industrial
organization, antitrust, intellectual property, class certification, and
applied econometrics and has performed analyses in a variety of mergers, private
antitrust litigations, and regulatory proceedings. During her time at Compass
Lexecon, Erica has analyzed economic issues in wide range of industries such as
pharmaceuticals, health care, finance, consumer products, transportation, and
Jennifer Milliron - Promoted to
Executive Vice President (Chicago)
Jennifer has 20 years of experience
providing advice to clients on litigation and consulting matters involving
financial analysis of merger and acquisitions, bankruptcy and solvency
disputes, corporate governance, accounting irregularities, forensic accounting,
securities fraud and firm valuation and has testified on damages issues. Before
joining Compass Lexecon, she was a Vice President at Chicago Partners LLC and
was an auditor for KPMG Peat Marwick LLP. She also taught at Washington
University as a visiting instructor.
Andria van der Merwe - Promoted to
Executive Vice President (Chicago)
Andria has over 10 years of
consulting experience, specializing in financial markets, complex derivatives and
structured securities, antitrust and class actions. She is a Research Fellow at
the Johns Hopkins Institute for Applied Economics, Global Health, and the Study
of Business Enterprise, and was previously an Adjunct Professor at the Illinois
Institute of Technology, where she taught graduate-level courses on
fixed-income asset pricing and modeling. Andria has recently published
““Bitcoin Fraud Class Action Shows Crypto Litigation Hurdles” published on
Law360 in February 2020 and “An Economic Assessment of Risks in Bitcoin as An
Alternative Asset Class” in Studies in Applied Finance from Johns Hopkins
Institute for Applied Economics in September 2019. She is the holder of three
U.S. patents and her research has been published in several internationally renowned
Alice Kaminski - Promoted to Senior
Vice President (Chicago)
Alice has been providing economic
analysis for over 17 years, with over seven years of experience in economic
litigation consulting. She specializes in antitrust and complex damages
litigation, and has also worked on intellectual property, credit
discrimination, labor, and insider trading engagements. She has provided
research and analysis on numerous antitrust matters on behalf of companies and
government agencies, in the US and abroad. Alice’s antitrust case work includes
mergers, attempted monopolization, tying, and antitrust issues related to
intellectual property and standards.
Erin Secatore - Promoted to Senior
Vice President (Boston)
Erin came to Compass Lexecon from a
large international law firm where she specialized in labor and employment law,
spending the majority of her time representing clients in the airline industry
on a variety of matters. Her publications include: The Spread of Zika Virus:
What U.S. Employers Should Know, New York Law Journal, co-authored with Sloane
Ackerman (2016); Violence In The Workplace: What Is An Employer’s Liability?,
New York Law Journal, co-authored with Sloane Ackerman (2015); and Avoiding the
Technical Knock Out: Tackling the Inadequacies of Youth Concussion Legislation,
58 N.Y.L. Sch. L. Rev. 417 (2013) (paper considered in session by Uniform Law
Commission, December 2012).
Sophie Yang - Promoted to Senior Vice
President (Boston)
Sophie has over 10 years of applying
microeconomic theory and econometric methods to complex litigation and merger
review settings. Over the course of numerous matters, Dr. Yang has supported
testifying experts on alleged monopolization and exclusionary conduct, price
fixing, and intellectual property issues. She has performed economic analyses
for multiple high-profile mergers. She has given seminars related to
intellectual property damages and FRAND licensing issues to judges, government
agencies, and IP attorneys at conferences and law firms. Dr. Yang served as a
consulting expert for a consortium of investors on economic forecasting and is
Adjunct Faculty at Harvard University.
May Huang - Promoted to Vice President (Pasadena)
With over 12 years of experience, May’s litigation consulting experience includes the banking, retail, high-tech and telecommunication industries. She has also worked on studies involving damages estimation, asset valuation, merger and acquisitions, and intellectual property. Prior to joining Compass Lexecon, she was with Charles River Associates in the finance practice, and with Johnson and Johnson as a Senior Financial Analyst.