Latin America’s Digital Markets: Competition or Regulation?

Manuel Abdala and Alejandro Lombardi recently co-authored a chapter in the second edition of Competition Law in Latin America: A Practical Guide. The book analyzes in depth the giant steps taken by the Latin American countries to reposition their competition authorities in the global antitrust realm, awarding them increased autonomy both domestically and internationally.
Latin America’s Digital Markets: Competition or Regulation?
Dr. Abdala, Dr. Lombardi, and Lucía Quesada’s chapter reviews current proposals in Europe and the US to apply ex-ante regulation on digital markets from a Latin American perspective. It discusses whether Latin American countries should adopt an ex-ante regulatory approach or stick with competition policies. The authors argue that the benefits of rushing to adopt a policy position in this matter can be limited, while costs can be substantial. On balance, Latin American countries are better off postponing the decision to implement a regulatory scheme for digital markets until there is more clarity on the appropriate model to follow.
This chapter was originally published in Competition Law in Latin America: A Practical Guide, Second Edition and is available for purchase here. The views expressed are those of the authors only and do not necessarily represent the views of Compass Lexecon, its management, its subsidiaries, its affiliates, its employees, or clients.