
Latin America

Our team of economists in Latin America offers specialized insight into the complex economic and financial issues at the center of arbitration disputes, competition, and regulatory challenges.

Our economic experts have held government-appointed posts, consulted for governments, competition authorities, and utilities throughout various geographies, and have had active roles in the development of regulatory frameworks in various utility sectors.

Compass Lexecon's economists have helped draft competition rules, testified in international and domestic disputes throughout Latin America, and provide opinions on complex damage quantum cases, as well as the valuation of assets in treaty, commercial, and political risk insurance disputes.

Our experts advise on issues related to:

  • Competition
  • Arbitration
  • Complex contracting disputes
  • Government and regulatory agency standards
  • Reasonable conduct
  • Public policy
  • Private dispute resolution
  • Environmental economics

Expertise in International Arbitration

  • Numerous recent international arbitration cases with written or oral testimony submitted under various treaty and commercial arbitration rules (ICSID, UNCITRAL, ICC, LCIA, AAA, and SCC).
  • Regulatory and contract analysis from both commercial and economic perspectives.
  • Economics of natural resources, energy, infrastructure, manufacturing, services and distribution industries, and the environment.
  • Analysis of banking and financial services industries, including leasing and insurance.
  • Construction arbitrations, covering engineering, construction and schedule analysis.

Expertise in Antitrust & Competition

  • Mergers, acquisitions & joint ventures: Our contribution ranges from market definition to the direct estimation of competitive effects of horizontal and non-horizontal mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures using complex economic and econometric tools. We also assess efficiencies and entry barriers and advise companies in the design of remedies.
  • Abuse of dominance: We advise on cases ranging from predation and margin squeeze to tying and bundling and refusals to deal and the effects of exclusive dealing contracts.
  • Horizontal agreements: We assess the existence and analyze the impact of alleged cartels and other horizontal agreements.
  • Market or sector inquiries: We assist national authorities with market inquiries or advise interested parties in responding to inquiries.
  • Vertical agreements: We assess the anti-competitive effects of certain restrictive clauses and the cost and demand efficiencies.

Other areas of expertise:

  • Economic and financial regulation: Economic and financial analysis and development of policies for both regulated and competitive activities. Drafting of regulatory frameworks for utilities, consulting on regulation and de-regulation.
  • Intellectual property: We value intellectual property; estimate damages resulting from infringement of intellectual property; and determine reasonable royalty rates relating to patents, trademarks, and copyrights.
  • Telecoms & Auctions: We assist companies and Governments in preparing regulatory submissions to public consultations or legal disputes; assist bidders in preparing their strategy for Spectrum auctions; advice on auction design.

*Compass Lexecon Chile is not owned by Compass Lexecon LLC or any of Compass Lexecon’s affiliated entities and is solely responsible for its acts and omission.

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