Ali Yurukoglu

Senior Consultant

Ali Yurukoglu is a Senior Consultant with Compass Lexecon and the Jonathan B. Lovelace Professor of Economics at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where he has taught industrial organization, statistics, and media economics to MBA and PhD students. His research is in the areas of industrial organization, antitrust, and regulation. His research on the video programming industry developed new empirical models of pricing and bargaining that have been used to analyze à la carte pricing regulations and vertical mergers. His other work has studied the effects of regulation on investment in the pharmaceutical and electricity distribution industries, markups and concentration trends in consumer markets, bargaining between countries over international tariffs, and the determinants of pricing power in advertising markets

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    • PhD in Economics, New York University's Stern School of Business
    • BA in Economics and Mathematics, Northwestern University

Ali’s cases

Ali’s insights

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