Aston Zhou Zhong

Academic Advisor


Dr. Aston Zhong is an academic advisor in Compass Lexecon’s Beijing office.

Aston specializes in the economic analysis of antitrust and intellectual property matters. As one of the pioneers practicing antitrust economics in China, Dr. Zhong has provided economic analyses for a number of high-profile cases related to cartel investigation, merger control, abuse of market power, vertical restraint and intellectual property disputes. He has worked as an expert for SAMR, NDRC and SAIC in many cases, and has participated in drafting guidelines for Anti-Monopoly Law of China.

Dr. Zhong also serves as a postdoc researcher of the Institute of Industrial Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Science. Before that, he was a researcher at the Research Center of Industrial Economics and Competition Policy of Renmin University. He wrote extensively on competition issues and has won the Competition Writing Award of Promising Scholars in China in 2015 and 2016. He was seconded to the Price Supervision and Anti-Monopoly Bureau of NDRC from 2016 to 2017 and worked as a visiting lawyer and economist with King & Wood Mallesons from 2018-2019.

Dr. Zhong received his Ph.D. and M.A. in Economics from Renmin University. He also holds a B.A. in Mathematics from Xiamen University. In 2019, he participated in European Commission’s Competition Summer School for Chinese officials and scholars.

  1. Education icon


    • PhD in Economics, Renmin University, Beijing
    • MSc in Economics, Renmin University, Beijing
    • BSc in Mathematics, Xiamen University, Xiamen

Aston’s cases

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