Ciara Kalmus

Senior Vice President


Ciara Kalmus is a Senior Vice President and Co-head of the London office.

Ciara is a highly experienced economist with over 20 years of expertise in the economics of competition law and regulation.

Ciara has advised companies in many industries, with a particular expertise in media and telecommunications. She has given expert evidence before the Competition Appeals Tribunal and in arbitration proceedings. She has advised on a range of anti-competitive conduct cases including in relation to alleged margin squeezes, anti-competitive price discrimination, refusals to supply, cartels and state aid investigations.

Between 2014 and 2021, she held the position of Economic Director at Ofcom, where she acquired extensive knowledge in economic regulation, including overseeing market reviews and investigations under the Competition Act. Between 2020 and 2021, Ciara focused on broadcasting, including the Public Service Broadcasting Review and the regulation of the BBC.

Prior to joining Ofcom, Ciara spent 15 years in consultancy, working with the Compass Lexecon team on a range of competition projects. She has advised clients on cases before the UK Competition and Markets Authority (and its predecessors), the European Commission, and national competition authorities. She has given oral evidence at hearings of the UK Competition Commission, the European Commission and the Competition Appeals Tribunal.

Ciara holds degrees in economics from the London School of Economics (MSc Economics) and Oxford University (M.A. Philosophy, Politics and Economics).

  1. Education icon


    • MSc in Economics, London School of Economics
    • BA Hons in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, Oxford University

Ciara’s cases

Ciara’s insights

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