Eric Amel

Vice President


Eric Amel has extensive experience in aviation, antitrust and finance. As a Vice President with Compass Lexecon (and previously as Sr. Managing Economist at LECG), he has worked on numerous aviation and antitrust cases. The aviation cases include conducting extensive analysis for regulatory clearance in airline mergers, alliance antitrust immunity filings, analysis for independent expert reports in numerous labor disputes for US airlines, analysis of government slot proposals, and analysis for expert reports in numerous airline bankruptcies. Antitrust cases include leading the analysis for class certification phase in several major cases.

Prior to his current position, Dr. Amel was the Chief Economist at Delta Air Lines and prior to that he was the Chief Economist at Continental Airlines. He also held a position at Federal Express.

Dr. Amel was also an Assistant Professor of Finance at Arizona State University College of Business and is currently a Lecturer in Business Economics (MBA) at Boston University School of Management.

Dr. Amel received his Ph.D. in Economics from Washington University where he specialized in Finance, Industrial Organization, and Public Finance. He also holds an M.A. in Economics from Washington University and a B.A. in Economics from Oberlin College.

  1. Education icon


    • PhD in Economics, Washington University
    • BA in Economics and Government, Oberlin College

Eric’s cases

Eric’s insights

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