Francisco Franchetti

Vice President


Francisco Franchetti is a Vice President at Compass Lexecon, based in Madrid.

Francisco’s professional focus entails employing economic analysis in antitrust and competition policy cases, utilizing specialized econometric techniques. Throughout his consulting career, Francisco has concentrated on various cases spanning merger control, state aid, price fixing, general damages, false advertising, and abuse of dominance.

His experience extends to engagements with the European Commission, the US Department of Justice, the US Federal Trade Commission, as well as other competition authorities globally. Francisco has also been involved in cases presented before the World Trade Organization, courts in EU member states, and in the United States.

Francisco has worked on multiple cases in the Media & Telecommunications and Transportation sectors, with expertise extending also to the Health Services and Food Manufacturing sectors. Notable recent projects include providing advice on transactions like Vodafone/Three UK JV (UK CMA), Vodafone/Nowo (Portuguese AdC) in the telecommunications sector, and UK litigation related to credit card interchange fees. Prior major projects include the HHI/DMSE (EC) transaction in shipbuilding and the EC Article 102 investigation into Apple's music streaming practices through its App Store (advising Spotify). Francisco is also part of a team estimating damages and aiding in litigation proceedings concerning follow-on claims arising from the infringement of heavy truck manufacturers.

Prior to joining Compass Lexecon in Europe, Francisco worked in the U.S. economic consulting market.

With a Ph.D. in Economics from The University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he specialized in the fields of industrial organization, computational economics, and economic theory, Francisco possesses formal training and extensive experience in applying simulation and econometric estimation techniques within the discrete-choice modeling framework. In several projects, he collaborated with highly distinguished academics specializing in empirical Industrial Organization.

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    • PhD in Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    • MSc in Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
    • Licentiate in Economics, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

Francisco’s cases

Francisco’s insights

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