Hyung-Joong Kim

Senior Economist


Hyung-Joong’s work focuses on the application of economic analysis and econometric techniques to competition policy cases, primarily merger cases. His experience covers a range of industries including railway, energy, telecommunications, food packaging, fast-moving consumer goods, real estate and manufacturing.

Hyung-Joong contributed to the economic assessment of various high-profile mergers, such as Hitachi/Thales GTS (EC Phase I, UK CMA Phase II), E.On/Innogy (EC Phase II), and Alstom/Bombardier Transport (EC Phase I). Other merger cases he worked on in recent years are Bell/Outfront (Candian Competition Bureau), T-Mobile NL/Tele2 NL, HP/Samsung (printer business), Nissan/Mitsubishi, Trelleborg/CGS, DEMB/Mondelez and Crown/Mivisa before the European Commission, and Regus/Avanta and Greene King/Spirit Pub Company before the UK Competition & Markets Authority.

Hyung-Joong also advises in the context of litigation proceedings. Currently, he contributes to the economic and econometric analysis related to damages litigation following the European Commission’s investigation of an information exchange between heavy truck manufacturers in several countries in Europe, in particular the UK.

Hyung-Joong holds his M.Sc. in Economics (specialization in Industrial Organization, Regulation and Competition Policy) from the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands and his B.Sc. in Economics and Business (specialization in Industrial Organization) from the University of Amsterdam. During the final stages of his studies, he worked as an Intern at the Chief Economist Team of the Directorate General for Competition of the European Commission.

  1. Education icon


    • MSc in Economics, University of Amsterdam
    • BSc in Economics and Business, University of Amsterdam

Hyung-Joong’s cases

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