Marc Huntley

Senior Vice President

Los Angeles

Marc Huntley is a Senior Vice President with Compass Lexecon based in Los Angeles. For the past 17 years, Mr. Huntley has provided financial analysis and consulting services to attorneys and their clients in over 150 litigation matters. Mr. Huntley also has four years of work experience in the defense, financial services, and entertainment industries in a variety of financial positions.

Mr. Huntley has consulted in a wide range of industries including financial services, semiconductors, and software. Mr. Huntley specializes in financial and economic analysis, complex data analysis, damages calculations, and general litigation support. He has provided support to attorneys and their clients on a wide spectrum of case work including data analysis, analysis of opposing party reports and productions, document review and production, strategic planning, and preparation of reports and deposition / trial materials.

Selected case work includes: 

  • Examined Plaintiffs’ allegations that many of the largest Private Equity firms conspired to limit “topping” bids for targets in proprietary LBO deals.
  • Critiqued Plaintiffs’ damages analysis related to the failure of an insurance company to provide compensation for alleged loss in automobile market value after proper repair.
  • Evaluated allegations of collusion among a group of rental car companies operating at California airports.
  • Examined retailer allegations that manufacturers of baby products conspired with a larger retailer to implement resale pricing policies in violation of antitrust law.
  • Evaluated Plaintiff’s claims of antitrust damages related to alleged exclusionary conduct in the consumer credit reporting industry.
  • Investigated allegations of stock option backdating related to a company in the beverages industry.
  • Assessed the reasonableness of Plaintiff expert’s voluminous damages claims related to a securities broker’s alleged wrongful termination. 
  • Created a methodology to correlate information from disparate production and sales databases of a flash memory company to calculate a revenue base for reasonable royalty damages calculations. 
  • Assessed claims of late trading and market timing of various mutual funds in certain mutual fund families.
  • Analyzed sales of Microsoft Office suites/applications related to a patent infringement claim. 
  • Investigated the reasonableness of a consequential damages claim arising from an alleged insurance non-payment.
  • Examined competing valuations of a credit card portfolio and the implications of an alleged misappropriation of a member list.
  • Critiqued plaintiff’s damages analysis (including an equity stake theory of reasonable royalty) in a patent infringement matter.
  • Critiqued opposing expert’s damages report based on regression models of a company’s stock prices and related indices.

Mr. Huntley graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara with a degree in Business Economics and from the University of Washington with a MBA degree in Finance.

  1. Education icon


    • MBA in Finance, University of Washington
    • BA in Business Economics, University of California, Santa Barbara

Marc’s cases

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