Patricia Lorenzo

Senior Vice President


Patricia Lorenzo is a Senior Vice President at Compass Lexecon European based in Madrid. Prior to this, she worked in the competition policy group at LECG and NERA.

Patricia’s work focuses on the application economic analysis and econometric techniques to competition policy issues before the European Commission and National Antitrust Authorities and to valuation damages cases. Her work has included the application of empirical models to evaluate the competitive impact of mergers and to estimate damages derived from antitrust infringements and from commercial business practices. She has also provided advice and prepared expert reports in the context of merger control and Article 102 proceedings.

She has advised clients in a wide range of industries including telecommunications, media, consumer goods and intellectual property. She specializes in broadcasting media and intellectual property, where her recent experience includes advising on competitive and economic aspects of concentration between TV broadcasters, providing economic valuation of audiovisual rights and designing fair and efficient tariffs for the remuneration of intellectual property rights.

Patricia holds a B.A. in Economics from the University of Vigo, where she specialized in Economic Analysis. She also holds an M.A. in Industrial Economics from the University Carlos III de Madrid, where she specialized in telecommunications and energy sectors. She has presented on the assessment of market power at recent industry conferences in Spain.

  1. Education icon


    • MA in Industrial Economics, Universidad Carlos III
    • BA in Economics, Universidad de Vigo

Patricia’s cases

Patricia’s insights

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