Stephen E. Cacciola

Senior Vice President


Stephen Cacciola is a Senior Vice President based in Boston. Dr. Cacciola specializes in the application of microeconomics and statistics to the areas of antitrust, intellectual property, and the estimation of commercial damages. He has assisted clients in all phases of the litigation process, and has supported expert witnesses in the preparation of reports and other testimony in matters involving class certification, allegations of price-fixing and exclusionary conduct, statistical sampling and extrapolation methodologies, and patent and trademark disputes. His case work has included economic analyses pertaining to the agricultural, airline, automobile, computer software, financial services, payment card, and pharmaceutical industries. Dr. Cacciola has recently supported affiliates in the evaluation of economic issues related to a number of global price-fixing conspiracies; the assessment of class certification, market definition, and market power in several pharmaceutical disputes; and the examination of statistical sampling techniques in the context of residential mortgage-backed securities cases and other litigation areas.

  1. Education icon


    • PhD in Economics, Yale University
    • AB in Economics, Princeton University

Stephen’s cases

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