Securities & Financial Markets

Compass Lexecon is a pioneer in applying modern finance theory to securities fraud, insider trading, market manipulation, and other forms of securities litigation – all areas in which our global team of economic experts regularly provide advice and testimony.
In the U.S. and globally, our economic consultants evaluate many prominent issues facing corporations, courts, and regulators, including:
- Market efficiency
- Causation
- Materiality
- Class certification
- Damages
- Cryptocurrencies
- Interest rate manipulation
- Mortgage-backed securities violations
- High-frequency trading
- Mutual fund market timing
- Options backdating
- IPO allocations
- Contested mergers
- Securities class action litigation
- ERISA class action litigation
Whatever the issue, our economic experts apply cutting-edge statistical methods, as well as advanced economic and financial analysis, building on a detailed knowledge of securities and markets.
Compass Lexecon is recognized as a leader in this fast-moving sector. For example, our economic experts’ articles on the use of financial economics in securities litigation have been cited favorably by the U.S. Supreme Court, among others.